Carlos Alberto Monteiro
Consultor sênior em Engenharia Florestal, M.Sc. em Ciências Florestais e Ambientais. Profissional problem solver.
Postgraduate degree in Environmental Science and Forestry (1999), Forest Engineer (1997), worked in the UNDP / IBAMA. Worked in consulting with the Federal Public Ministry in Tocantins, gazetted served by the DDF in the state of Bahia as forester. Served as forestry and environmental consultant for several companies in the steel industry. Completed several projects EIA / RIMA and obtained the environmental licensing for companies: Gorgen Group, Group MAEDA, Agriculture Victoria Regia, Cardoso Newton Group, Synergistic Steel, Siderpa, Steel CSN Group Ferreira Guimarães, FRANOR, Itasider, Metalsider among others. Worked as a collaborator in the Middle Land Operation in conjunction with MPF, IBAMA, Ministry of Justice, PF, and Ministry of Labour which culminated with several developments and creation of the National Park "Terra do Meio" in the state of Pará.
Served as Judge of the experts in the most rural settlement in the State of Tocantins, expert for the 5th Federal Court of the State of Tocantins, expert for the implementation of 6 Fiscal Court of Rio de Janeiro, Judgment Expert in various processes. Also served as expert in IBAMA case Flona Ghost in Cristópolis, BA.
Served as co-founder of APROFLORA - Association of Western Bahia Forest Producers, held the First Meeting Eucalyptus Technician in Western BA.; Conducted several studies and environmental projects with a view to obtaining environmental permits. Proven experience in 23 years in various technical consulting, he served as the company's Director FLORAINVESTCO.
Bachelor of Theology and Philosophy.
Contact: Gustavo Medrado Street, n. 18, Morada Nobre, Barreiras, BA. Cep 47810-041 .:
+55 (21) 96823 2700